Thursday, June 16, 2005

Meet your new family, your co-workers!

Welcome to orientation! find a chair and take a seat’ Yeah, go ahead and look around you, you are stuck in a room filled with balloons and colorful flyers and table with plates of chocolate chip brownies, bags of Doritos, cans and upon cans of Coca-Cola, but you don’t see, tofu, salads or ‘Go-Lean’ bars. Suddenly, you begin daydreaming about the treadmill at the 24-hour fitness center near your home; you finally realize that your membership is about to end today. You also begin looking around at your new co-workers, your company rather that you address them as your associates. You look at your associates, you wave, smile, shake hands, because, you know that the first day of kind gestures and positive encouragements will immediately cease to exist when orientation finally ends in a week. The guy next to you has already determined to have you fired, but why? Because your company is competitive, don’t you remember?

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