free yourself from mid-aged crisis!

They have no desire to try or explore! I am left with my own thoughts, dreaming and thinking of my friends of the La Legione di Resistenza group. Knowing that if they were with me, many streets and buildings would be known and explored. We would have already made friends with locals and enjoying the healthy outlook on life. Instead, I am left with middle-aged men in crisis.
As I said many times before, I don't believe in mid-life crisis. I believe that some people choose to live a certain way, because its safe doing so. Doing the safe thing allows others not to interfere in your life, not worry what you are doing, where you going and who are your friends and speculate about where your life is going or what poor choices you made for yourself. When you don't live up to those standards, you must handle the stress of dealing with questions on top of more questions, and shit that sounds like the last fucking set of questions. You must learn on to get ready to be interviewed and reviewed and finally given your assessment to the questions you provided. Still in the end, you failed to meet up to their standards. Even though, you ain't fucking asking for their approval. They have already wrote out your own auto-biography on how your life was and is and will be, the end! After your auto-biography is written, sold and placed on bookshelf. You could barely have time to read the preface of this great piece of literature with its handsome book cover and the choices of color for the background and oh yeah, you won't be getting any type of residuals for the book either.

By now, I got myself back in order and my stress level has calmed down. I can breath easily now, my skin feels smooth and my neck doesn't feel stiff. Though, I still have to remind myself that I am here on business, but after work, is my free time. I need to use that wisely and as often as I can. Its my time.
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