Typical Saturday night, I am out having few drinks with friends at the local bar. I got a text message about a party near by. “why not?” I said. After having few more beers, my friends and I took off. We get to the party and immediately my friend who invited me yelled out my name and I along with my friends were introduced to a group of people from all over the world. The majority in the home were from France. Even with the unique majority of French speakers at this house party, there were a few Americans there as well. I forgot to mention that the theme of this party was a swimming party, if you will?! We were led into the back yard, where other people must have had sometime jumping in and out of the pool. One girl in the group convinced my friend to just jump into the pool with her fully clothed. I was told I was next, but it never happened. And yes I can swim!
With such diverse group of people, ranging from different cultures, races, language, religions, etc, the conversation was light-hearted, friendly and refreshing. We asked each other questions and took the answer with face value and not really going with a following up question, which usually turns into an interview rather than getting to know one another.
Later, a young man stepped into the scene, as he said “hola, que tal?” which I assumed that he must be from Spain or somewhere else, I'll let him state the fact. After rounds of introductions, he and I learned that we were both Americans (in the current setting) and the light-hearted talks turned 'Strange!' He quickly told me that he was for Human Rights (you think anyone would) and he was a member of a Arizona State University's club, which promotes Human Rights and Racial Tolerance (he didn't invite me to join or meet with this group.) I just smiled and “that's cool” response. He then proceeded to tell me that the world would have been better if it weren't for the White Man (I coughed wanting to say bullshit). . . . I just nodded and kept trying to focus on other conversations near by. Oh by the way, he was white! Maybe 30 minutes went by and he saw that I and another person were talking about the situation of the Volcanic ash that has covered most of Europe and how distressed she was that she was not able to go back home anytime soon. The young man (let's call him Eric) then told a story on how he wants to make it legal for his sister to marry with her partner and that he stood up for Gay Rights! After his Microsoft Power Point presentation, he asked me if where I stood on this issue or if I was gay or bi . . (and he left the last category out, not wanting to appear intolerant).
Wow! This guy was tying to cash in his diversity card! I kindly (as always) informed that I was not gay, or bi. Soon, after learning that I was not going be cashed in to his fight for his sister's right to marry, etc. He quickly turned to informed that he was straight and his infinity for women and of course the sexual escapades began to dominate the conversation. In any case, I had to inform him that I was at a party and speaking with everyone and I was having (literally) a good time. At this point, he seemed disappointed, because he was hoping to cash in and hit the lottery. Let's examine how he could have had a big win on the Diversity Gamble Cash in:
a party hosted by international students=20 points
a European female not being able to return home due to natural disaster=40 points
I, an African-American at a party (and I was the only one)=50 points
His tolerance for racial diversity=75 points
His fight for gay rights and marriage=80 points
His gambling Lost:
no one was interested in his state of the union -200 points
the conversations were nothing related to what he inserted -100 points
I nor anyone else happened to be gay or bi-sexual -200 points
Let me put simply this way. If you are a person who truly believes in racial harmony, diversity, tolerance of different religions, political view points, women's rights, gay rights or freedom for all. First, you have to calm down! Your tolerance only will be reflected if you just be yourself! Making friends and becoming a good and a true friend are the first steps to the world of diversity and tolerance on any level. Listen and don't assume! Now, we are all guilty for the lack of diversity and tolerance, etc. We are all racists, homophobes, sexists, bigots and at times extremists. This be a shock to many of you who cash in Diversity and tolerance, but you are being watched and under surveillance. Just simply walking up to a person who is different from you or you assuming to be different from you doesn't mean you are an example of tolerance and diversity.

Recently, I had a former friend who couldn't get over the fact that I wasn't like other black people and that I was a good example for other black men. I stopped to tell him that I was not a good example for other black men! In fact, I am an example of other good black men, like my father! I wasn't solely raised by black people and I was not raised to be like white people either, my influences are from all walks of life. And too, I informed him that like I tell many others, if you want to find the stereotype, you will! Because, you have already determined that on how one's race will be behave. Or, if you don't find the stereotype, then you will feel that you are being lied to or you suddenly can't trust what is presented in front of you. People of different backgrounds want to be respected not interviewed or used as a study for racists agendas or racial profiling. Calm down and take a deep breath, we are here on this one planet.