Dear Bar Tavern,
For sometime, I have frequent your establishment with the sense of zest and the feeling of content. Over the years, my friends told me about the exciting times I would have if only I spend my many nights with you. At first, I must admit, Bar Tavern, the lights and the crowds of people speaking of personal experiences, literature and many different diverse types of relationships, I overall felt that maybe this could be the next best thing to home. The tables, chairs, the benches, couches, with all the excitement of your establishment, I could only feel as though I am lost in a world filled with drinks and loud conversations. However, there were times where I saw fights and aggressive moods and feelings, especially when the crowd became too crowded; and there were those who hoped to meet that special someone to take home to relief some stress from working the weekday. Though, there has been some success with a certain few, but sadly, the majority spoke highly about that opportunity, but often times, that was they did best, spoke about it. This is not to say; I was without any though of my own in that regard, I just wanted to be within the moment with those around me I called friends.
My friends, Mr. Bar Tavern, where of many types of diverse backgrounds. We seemed excited to see one another, considering that our unique work schedules, we were only able to rely on the weekend to show each faces and our new styles of fashion or present the new relationships we have entered. We often made comparison to who can do what or what can do who. We gave each other titles such as Wing-Man, pimp, player, lonelier, weirdo, etc. Even with these names, they mostly remained at your establishment. The waiters and waitress so eager to make sure our tables constantly replaced with another glass of Beer. I was often seen there so much, that they many of the servers, knew I wanted my Hefenweizen with the lemon on top. I also met other people, listening to interesting conversations about work, politics or about life in general. The friendly faces gave a sense of assurance that a friendship could build from those many nights at the Bar.

Time went by and I could remember the soundtrack of those many nights and I could almost guess who was going to wear what and whose relationship just ended and what new one's just started. At this point, I began to think, which is not common, from my experience in your establishment. The thought of thinking was so sudden, it was like as though, I was on a drug trip or I dropped ACID or I just awake from a Coma. I had to hide from my friends and those familiar faces. I stood in a corner just to see the faces of those I once found interesting. I quickly snapped out of my thinking and remove myself from my lonely corner and began to sunk back into the world you have created. But sense that brief moment, where I started to think, it seemed to have spread to those who once found my presence pleasing, has now turned into distant, and un-wanting. At first I just thought it was just the change of seasons or the full moon and this feeling was going to pass. It didn’t!

I guess that all the excitement, good times and with all the positive vibes within establishments were sings of a movement of change. And so much of a great vibe, I thought mistakenly that I could extend this outside of your property boundaries. I was so wrong. I found out the hard way, Bar Tavern that within your establishment, whatever says there stays there. Even though, emails, cell numbers can be exchanged, but the conversation will be (always) related to when and what time the reunion will be at your Bar Tavern. Once in a while, I was able to bring some of your partitions to my place, provided that drinks and other Tavern related elements were present. But unlike your establishment, it only last for a short while.
Later, the theme became redundant and boring. I even dared to visit our bars, or such places like Coffee Houses or go to some place to watch live music. I even met those who once frequent your bar and they even mentioning on how bored and tired of the usual setting or them of your establishment. I feared that a revolution was taking place against you and yet I feared the unknown, at times I felt I betrayed you, Bar Tavern. Soon, I was found out. I was ousted as a revolutionist and my privileges were revoked and soon friends were lost. So now, Bar Tavern, I wage a war against you and all those who support you. You have kept many trapped thinking that there is nothing more outside of your walls. You enslave others to serve those who are lost and without a soul or any heart to believe anything outside of what you offer for comfort. I hate you Bar Tavern, you have taken my friends away and falsely introduced to failing relationships and providing them a false reality. Because, the truth is Bar Tavern, you and I both know that you can change locations at anytime. Bar Tavern, its over!
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