You have wasted my time with your complaints and your so-called lonely life. You think that just a few days is enough for me to listen on how you have not made any chances for change. You are idiot to think that life is supposed to be on hold while you try to score at every chance you get. Your thought of scoring is pathetic and you are a sore looser. You rather live life as a weak man. You wait on your knees thinking that she is going to compliment you for waiting for her as she spent all her time having fun, meeting new people, making love and shopping and there you were waiting for her just to see you! And guess what?! She will see you for what you are, Nothing! You have tried to limit my mind to thinking beyond the everyday norm.
You have failed trying to stop intelligent thoughts and intelligent people to speak freely. Your fear is getting the best of you. You wait at my door to only to hold a stop sign of free flowing thoughts to only to be trapped in your quest for stupidity and ignorance. Have you learned from all this time? Instead of asking yourself this question, you rather spend more time wondering about me and what might be my problems. You fool, I am in a place in this world where I have shown you time and time again, and yet, you stand there thinking that I will be there for you.
You think that you can persuade me to alter my path of enlightenment, travels and new ideas in order to walk down the unknown path, which you have created filled with uncertainties, lost trails and leading to no where.
Though, my words are harsh and direct. In the end, I have to thank you for you being you. You being you and you taking these routes in life help me to grown and learn. You help me create the theories and philosophies of stories of foolish ways of men like yourself. Before, I would have wasted my time and patience trying to help you, encouraging you to be a better man. Over time, I come to realize that you are incapable of being such person. Even with that thought, I must accept your reality and must limit my time with you.
Thursday, December 27, 2007
La Legione di Resistenza, FAQ!
La Legione di Resistenza has been recently asked why aren’t there entries about relationships, love, traveling with one’s girlfriend, buying a house and the lack of positive female related issues or themes on this blog.
The answer is quit simple, this is a disclaimer, folks:
La Legione di Resistenza promotes a life away from the so-called “what you are supposed to do” lifestyles. We believe that these lifestyles are very easy to come by, however, these lifestyles does not promote adventure, travel, romance (in the traveling sense) confidence, self-identity. In today’s society, a man will work more than 40 hours a week and still does not have enough to take a vacation, date and take time for himself. The result: depression, suicide, lack of confidence, over-spending and going into debt. The so called solution most will follow: get married, get into a relationship or buy a house. Though, these ideas are soothing in a temporary sense and what is not told is that this isn't for everyone. In regards to positive female perspective, I highly encourage women to do more writings like these to help men to think for themselves, have hobbies, and make friends and travel!
La Legione di Resistenza does not have the time or patience to promote relationships (whether it’s one way or another) it just not supported here! Relationships are for the most part, are forever advertised and often times, people are often made feel that they are not meeting up to societal dating standards. In addition, relationships are made to appear easy to come by and if they are not: our theory is that it’s simply not meant to be and there are other reasons why such relationship for such individual is not possible. We simply encourage one to go outside of oneself and seek other lands, places and go out and meet new people and take a break for a least one year or two away from the so-called normality of his life.
La Legione di Resistenza does not support writings for the common person to read and will not alter or change our format in order to appeal to the sensitivity of today’s easily offended members of society.
La Legione di Resistenza does not support so-called work ethic. However, we believe in work but not in today’s traditional sense, the Individual! We believe in team building, working together and promoting one another to reach the goal, whatever that may be.
La Legione di Resistenza promotes an escape for those who seek an alternative from their daily lives.
Thank you for choosing La Legione di Resistenza!
Saturday, November 03, 2007
David, The Anti Work Ethic.
He dress for success! His tie is neatly tied. His Shirt perfectly ironed and his suit jacket matches his stylish gear. His hair is somewhat neatly up to today's business look. His drive, you may ask? Is money and a peace of mind. He even goes so far to submit to the master employer. He like we, stamps his forhead with the word of submission of "YES" Yes I will bow to you. Yes, You control me. Yes, you are my leader. Yes, you control my life even when I am not at work. Yes, I will marry your company. Yes, I will not ask. Yes, you are my life.
Monday, October 22, 2007
Saturday, October 20, 2007
In honor

Viva La RevoluciĆ³n !
Friday, September 07, 2007
Adventures are dead. The Bar is the killer
Dear Bar Tavern,
For sometime, I have frequent your establishment with the sense of zest and the feeling of content. Over the years, my friends told me about the exciting times I would have if only I spend my many nights with you. At first, I must admit, Bar Tavern, the lights and the crowds of people speaking of personal experiences, literature and many different diverse types of relationships, I overall felt that maybe this could be the next best thing to home. The tables, chairs, the benches, couches, with all the excitement of your establishment, I could only feel as though I am lost in a world filled with drinks and loud conversations. However, there were times where I saw fights and aggressive moods and feelings, especially when the crowd became too crowded; and there were those who hoped to meet that special someone to take home to relief some stress from working the weekday. Though, there has been some success with a certain few, but sadly, the majority spoke highly about that opportunity, but often times, that was they did best, spoke about it. This is not to say; I was without any though of my own in that regard, I just wanted to be within the moment with those around me I called friends.
My friends, Mr. Bar Tavern, where of many types of diverse backgrounds. We seemed excited to see one another, considering that our unique work schedules, we were only able to rely on the weekend to show each faces and our new styles of fashion or present the new relationships we have entered. We often made comparison to who can do what or what can do who. We gave each other titles such as Wing-Man, pimp, player, lonelier, weirdo, etc. Even with these names, they mostly remained at your establishment. The waiters and waitress so eager to make sure our tables constantly replaced with another glass of Beer. I was often seen there so much, that they many of the servers, knew I wanted my Hefenweizen with the lemon on top. I also met other people, listening to interesting conversations about work, politics or about life in general. The friendly faces gave a sense of assurance that a friendship could build from those many nights at the Bar.

Time went by and I could remember the soundtrack of those many nights and I could almost guess who was going to wear what and whose relationship just ended and what new one's just started. At this point, I began to think, which is not common, from my experience in your establishment. The thought of thinking was so sudden, it was like as though, I was on a drug trip or I dropped ACID or I just awake from a Coma. I had to hide from my friends and those familiar faces. I stood in a corner just to see the faces of those I once found interesting. I quickly snapped out of my thinking and remove myself from my lonely corner and began to sunk back into the world you have created. But sense that brief moment, where I started to think, it seemed to have spread to those who once found my presence pleasing, has now turned into distant, and un-wanting. At first I just thought it was just the change of seasons or the full moon and this feeling was going to pass. It didn’t!

I guess that all the excitement, good times and with all the positive vibes within establishments were sings of a movement of change. And so much of a great vibe, I thought mistakenly that I could extend this outside of your property boundaries. I was so wrong. I found out the hard way, Bar Tavern that within your establishment, whatever says there stays there. Even though, emails, cell numbers can be exchanged, but the conversation will be (always) related to when and what time the reunion will be at your Bar Tavern. Once in a while, I was able to bring some of your partitions to my place, provided that drinks and other Tavern related elements were present. But unlike your establishment, it only last for a short while.
Later, the theme became redundant and boring. I even dared to visit our bars, or such places like Coffee Houses or go to some place to watch live music. I even met those who once frequent your bar and they even mentioning on how bored and tired of the usual setting or them of your establishment. I feared that a revolution was taking place against you and yet I feared the unknown, at times I felt I betrayed you, Bar Tavern. Soon, I was found out. I was ousted as a revolutionist and my privileges were revoked and soon friends were lost. So now, Bar Tavern, I wage a war against you and all those who support you. You have kept many trapped thinking that there is nothing more outside of your walls. You enslave others to serve those who are lost and without a soul or any heart to believe anything outside of what you offer for comfort. I hate you Bar Tavern, you have taken my friends away and falsely introduced to failing relationships and providing them a false reality. Because, the truth is Bar Tavern, you and I both know that you can change locations at anytime. Bar Tavern, its over!
Tuesday, May 01, 2007
We can't be friends forever!
We've shared so much with one another, we cried to each other over the horrible things we've experienced in life. We shared stories and sat around many nights dreaming of the impossible and making these dreams come true. We speak not face to face but through cyber text trying to convey our emotions as we post up emotional characters to represent our feelings.
I want to see you, but you've become shy and unsure about meeting in the former world of air, dust, dirt, noise, people, emotions, hate and desire, the world we were born in. I want to take you back to a place where we could express our feelings by touching each other hands and faces with a kiss on your lips. You don't want to return to such a place. Instead, you want to express these same emotions through the cyber world, where you are safe from visual guilt, shame or anger, true visual happiness and sadness. I don't want to see your body as an image, i want to touch it.
I don't want to desire your digital self, i want to see you and touch you. Don't call my cell phone! I don't want to hear your voice on this convenience........I want it how it used to be, the convenience of touch and smell. You say we need more time and that you aren't ready. Its been years and I am growing tired of your world of screen names and visual text. You say that one day, our love will be real. The real for you is a place trapped with wires, hi-speed connections, passwords, edit, spell check, insert emotion, back button, grammar check, upload pictures, send, forward, delete, compose, only in the end receiving a message from MAILER-DAEMON telling that such email does not exist.
I want to see you, but you've become shy and unsure about meeting in the former world of air, dust, dirt, noise, people, emotions, hate and desire, the world we were born in. I want to take you back to a place where we could express our feelings by touching each other hands and faces with a kiss on your lips. You don't want to return to such a place. Instead, you want to express these same emotions through the cyber world, where you are safe from visual guilt, shame or anger, true visual happiness and sadness. I don't want to see your body as an image, i want to touch it.
I don't want to desire your digital self, i want to see you and touch you. Don't call my cell phone! I don't want to hear your voice on this convenience........I want it how it used to be, the convenience of touch and smell. You say we need more time and that you aren't ready. Its been years and I am growing tired of your world of screen names and visual text. You say that one day, our love will be real. The real for you is a place trapped with wires, hi-speed connections, passwords, edit, spell check, insert emotion, back button, grammar check, upload pictures, send, forward, delete, compose, only in the end receiving a message from MAILER-DAEMON telling that such email does not exist.
A true story of a sad reality
So you went out into the world, meeting new, exotic people, eating healthy foods, tasting unique, great wines and beers. You felt alive, sexual, brave, healthy and full of energy to only return home to the States for what? To be lonely, sad, depressed and without the possibility of getting together with someone. Because, once people figured out that you haven't accepted the sad reality that you should be miserable and down like everyone else, you are quarantined like a virus and isolated from the masses as though you have commented the greatest crime known, you found peace and you will be punished for it.
You suddenly become a stranger in your hometown. You try to keep an upbeat attitude even a positive attitude only to find yourself getting frustrated trying to maintain that smile of yours, trying to maintain that sense of freedom and independence you've learned being away from home. You spend your days and nights alone, your cell phone is not ringing, your door bell is never rung and you check and re-check your emails every hour to every half-hour to every twenty minutes to ten minutes to five minutes to three minutes to two minutes to one to seconds until you stayed glued to the screen in front of you, hoping that something will change in your sad life. But nothing has changed?
Soon, you begin to notice that you are without a date, passion, adventure, money and a sense of community, you begin to sell out our ideas, which you promised yourself to keep while you were away traveling with your friends. Soon, you begin to take your frustration out by beating off in your room (which you've missed for quit sometime). chat rooms, keeping up with your myspace friends or facebook community, watching television, eating unhealthy, driving your car, talking to your friends about nothing fun or exciting.
Suddenly, you feel compelled to go shopping at the mall, buying stuff you don't need. After all that shopping you still feel incomplete. So you find other things to keep yourself from thinking about how miserable your life has become. Your newly found independence don't bring you sex and passion, you begin to wonder what you've done wrong.
While away, you felt beautiful and important, now you begin to wonder if you meet up to the standards of the dating pool, so then you begin to compete with others around you. But you notice that you are lagging behind. You can't speak of anything dumb or stupid, so you talk about your car or your ipod or that a particular store in the mall that has your favorite clothes. You try to pretend that these things really matter, your lie is the best of you, but you want to get laid so bad, so you pretend to fit in.
While deep inside, you want to find a place, where you can be alone to cry.............cry about how you have become a different person, but yet you have no one who can relate to you. You cry because you know that all you have seen and experience don't a mean with those around you. It brings nothing to your friends and those you want to fuck. So you begin to hide your pictures, your travel journals and you slowly begin to stop talking to those you met abroad, because speaking to them only brings you pain. So you tell yourself that its time to move on and accept the reality that you are really happy to be home!
You suddenly become a stranger in your hometown. You try to keep an upbeat attitude even a positive attitude only to find yourself getting frustrated trying to maintain that smile of yours, trying to maintain that sense of freedom and independence you've learned being away from home. You spend your days and nights alone, your cell phone is not ringing, your door bell is never rung and you check and re-check your emails every hour to every half-hour to every twenty minutes to ten minutes to five minutes to three minutes to two minutes to one to seconds until you stayed glued to the screen in front of you, hoping that something will change in your sad life. But nothing has changed?
Soon, you begin to notice that you are without a date, passion, adventure, money and a sense of community, you begin to sell out our ideas, which you promised yourself to keep while you were away traveling with your friends. Soon, you begin to take your frustration out by beating off in your room (which you've missed for quit sometime). chat rooms, keeping up with your myspace friends or facebook community, watching television, eating unhealthy, driving your car, talking to your friends about nothing fun or exciting.
Suddenly, you feel compelled to go shopping at the mall, buying stuff you don't need. After all that shopping you still feel incomplete. So you find other things to keep yourself from thinking about how miserable your life has become. Your newly found independence don't bring you sex and passion, you begin to wonder what you've done wrong.
While away, you felt beautiful and important, now you begin to wonder if you meet up to the standards of the dating pool, so then you begin to compete with others around you. But you notice that you are lagging behind. You can't speak of anything dumb or stupid, so you talk about your car or your ipod or that a particular store in the mall that has your favorite clothes. You try to pretend that these things really matter, your lie is the best of you, but you want to get laid so bad, so you pretend to fit in.
While deep inside, you want to find a place, where you can be alone to cry.............cry about how you have become a different person, but yet you have no one who can relate to you. You cry because you know that all you have seen and experience don't a mean with those around you. It brings nothing to your friends and those you want to fuck. So you begin to hide your pictures, your travel journals and you slowly begin to stop talking to those you met abroad, because speaking to them only brings you pain. So you tell yourself that its time to move on and accept the reality that you are really happy to be home!
Friday, April 20, 2007
Sunday, April 08, 2007
¿Where is La Legione di Resistenza?
It´s been a while since I have written anything. I´ve been moving along this South American journey with my two friends, Attila and Julian. Our Journey is coming to an end and it makes me sad to think about it. Some will say that all good things come to an end; personally, I don´t like to think as this as a good thing ending. Instead, this is a beginning of something new. I´ve thought of some many differents kinds of adventures and travels and other ideas of being free. Of course, there is a tendency to come up with great ideas and not following through, because of work stress and peer pressures to settle down, buy a house, get married and go into debt and have my family and friends enjoying my misery, which we call the real world or life. My family and friends who know me very well, know all too well that I will say fuck that noise and continue to find new ways to get out and see the world.
If you think that traveling is a waste of time, check out this picture and think for yourself!
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