During my full 8.5 hours of work, I stare at papers with over zealous curiosity as though I am about to break new leads or find a cure of the world's diseases and problems. I answer the phones as though I am really excited to get to know each person who calls. These same people, however, are usually pissed off, because it is my job to ask questions regarding the nature of their call. I have to maintain a sense of cool, and for the most part, I actually enjoy having people being rude and nasty with me on the phone. I usually find a professional way of saying
"Fuck You!".... or better yet "I'll transfer your call," one moment please!

I stare at the computer monitor as if I am doing research. From a different angle, it looks like I am typing something, the truth is I have nothing related to work, I'm typing messages to friends via e-mail. When a thousand e-mails have been sent, I find a way to look busy, as I hold a blue pen in my left hand
(I am not right handed sorry!) to pretend to be writing something really important down. Sometimes, I make the best drawings of people and letters with this blue pen. The calculator next to my computer is also handy, I check my spending and I balance my check book. The automatic stapler is also a fun thing to have. I create beautiful art as I punch pieces of paper from different angels and positions. The stapler remover is also a fun gadget to have as well, I use this to attack all the beautiful art I just made on several sheets of paper; also its a great stress reliever.
The monthly calendars serves like a road map of life. I stare at possible dates when I want to quit my job. Oh yeah, I also get two 15 minutes breaks during my day at work and one 1 hour lunch break. That is where I sit in the employee break-room with other employees who I don't know very well and they are somewhat afraid of making some type of dialogue, so we usually talk about something work related, or if we are lucky, we would dare to speak about the outisde world of work, by pointing out the great features one can find at Staples or Office Max stores. Around this point of the conversation, I'll put on my head phones and listen to some music, some songs I put on repeat. Going back to the desk. . . . .I will mention to my fellow co-workers on how my lunch was the best, though, they probably didn't know that my lunch usually consist of two peanut butter n' jelly sandwich, and maybe some fruit. Just to make sure that we are all working equally, once in a while, I will turn around to my fellow co-worker and ask if "there's anything I can help you with?" or "How are things going?" I usually get a response of "thanks for asking, I'm okay." Its probable that my fellow co-worker is doing the same thing like I am doing, by starring at un-necessary paper-work by scrolling through pages after pages of useless information. But, we are getting paid for this image, right?
After a while, I get sick of seeing my fellow co-workers, and by sure luck, I might get some delivery person who's just dropping of some packages or letters, they may not know this, but they drive around in the streets, a world outside of the office world; and their time at my desk is maybe less than 2 minutes. But, those 2 minutes help to wonder and image what the world outside of this office is like around 2pm.
I forgot to mention that numerous of rest-room breaks I take. I often go there to hide from my work or the lack thereof. I think about new business ideas or travel destinations. The last 30 minutes of work seem to go on forever. The phones are ringing like crazy. Starring at the clock, starring at the clock, its 4:40! Turn around, look away, look away, checking e-mails again, write another one, look busy, busy, busy, busy! Score!. . . Its 5pm! Another long hardwork day is over, so now my next hardest job will be to drive along all those who probably were doing the samething I did. . .
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