Thursday, April 07, 2005

The Great Get Away!


we are away from the cold world of Garmsich, Germany. With all the false promises of travel and adventure. Instead of spending all of our money on the local bars, we were able to save money and get the true chance of traveling. Even though, there were many things we didn´t like about our working environment, but we left some good friends back, and we will always remember them. But, even with friendship the adventure must continue...


Anonymous said...

Hey sid, well looks like ur great andventure has started and i am hella jealous. Have an awsome time man and good luck. keep me posted.

La Legione di Resistenza said...


we miss so much, please keep in touch.

Anonymous said...

good to hear you're back on the road, whether more travelled or less it's better than working some shit job saving money only to spend it on things that will help you keep that job and good outward appearance for the watchers, those critics of you coloring outside the lines...keep it up my man, keep cutting those tendrils from the soles of your feet before they turn to roots. move on, boss!

La Legione di Resistenza said...

Thanks Alec! Glad to know that you are still in good spirits.