Sunday, August 31, 2008
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Traveling While Black. . . Race Matters. Part II
The Struggle Continues
I was traveling a month back, for about 3 weeks. First, I went to visit a friend in Montreal and then over to New Brunswick and finally down to Providence, Rhode Island. I had a great time; the time away was well worth it. I am forwarding some hyper-links so you can check out my journey. You remember that blog I posted some years ago, “Traveling While Black, Race Matters?” Well that journey is still with me…. as much as I like to have a break from it all, I am forever confronted with the strange friendly dialogues with whites, which usually I find myself more puzzled and confused. I will give you one example. I was passing through this small in the state of Maine coming from Canada. In any case, I decided to take sometime before taking the bus to my next destination. I ended up having a beer and some Fish n’ Chips at a local tavern in town. While trying to enjoy my meal and my beer, there was this white guy, appearing to be in his mid twenties, college student, sitting next to me, asking the usual: where are you from, where are you going, what brings you here, your name, etc, which I am always delighted meeting new people. I don’t recall his name, but let’s call him Chandler!
The light conversation was pleasant for the most part, considering whenever I am traveling, I am more opened to diverse conversations, with limits, of course. While my short time at this local tavern was ending, Chandler then turned the conversation around about girls, hooking up, sex etc. Which normally I don’t have a problem with that, but from my experience this conversation dialogue switch is an indirect way to establish one’s sexual orientation. I just smiled while listening to his fairy-tales about other women and his stories of sexual adventures, though I should have at this point, told him that I also have a thing for women, which might had given him a sigh of relief or feeling calmed, but stating that was not important then or even now for that matter. So, after talking about his most recent girlfriend, he went so far to say that I must be lucky with the ladies, because according to him “black guys are really good getting women into bed. And if you were to stay in this town, with your luck, you could get with all the women in this town with your color!” At that point, I just smiled and lied by telling him that I was happily married. With the look of embarrassment, Chandler proceeded to ask if my wife was also black and if she were also good in bed (why would this guy know if I was good in bed in the first place?) I could have said that my wife was white and from Sweden, but even I didn’t go there. Chandler maintained a friendly tone to his voice and his mannerisms, but he finally got me to notice that it was time to leave, but he really had to know “if it was true that all black men have a large penis?” With time on my side, the waiter quickly got my bill, I paid in cash, left a tip, thanked the Chandler for the great conversation but “I gotta run!” Chandler probably didn’t get his answer and I felt sorry for the next black man who might stop into this bar.
I am writing about this experience because, as much as most people would probably concentrate on the racial aspect of this situation, which I would have at first, but fuck as much this was a disturbing conversation, which I run into frequently. However, it made me to think about how easily to be blinded to the racial homoeroticism among white men and their fixation with black male sexuality. From my experience, it seems that white men are more forward (in a joking way of course) about their curiosities about black men more so than white women. If they already fell into "Once you go black, you don't go back" theory, will they share that same story with Heather? This is not say nor do I care that these men are in the closet, either curious or bi-sexual, in fact, I don’t care if they were, as well as, I find it necessary to label their sexual orientation, unless they feel it is necessary to state the fact. The conversation defiantly had racial overtones, assuming that I seeking to test my blackness in order to have sex with white women, and my supposedly wife who is black and she's good in bed; and that I was lucky with my skin color with women. However, Chandler as well as like most white men fail to ask at least about any lucky into finding a job?! A place to live, where to go to school, where my parents can retire, and a friendly restaurant where I can eat in peace, a safe neighborhood, the list goes on. Instead, a black man’s luck is with his dark skin and his dark colored penis!
I told this same story to a friend of mine. His only suggestion was to avoid isolated white states. I had to tell him that it doesn’t matter if this situation happens in Maine to Montana or from Alaska to Arizona. Racism is not isolated in one place; sure if might be more out in the opened or better yet, not confronted as it would be in places like Los Angeles, New York or Chicago. But, even mentioning those cities, doesn’t mean that racism is not a problem in those places, it’s not just obvious within the police officers, but it’s obvious when it comes to residential zoning, etc. I would like your input to race and sexuality and I apologize if I just wrote excessively much.
La Legione di Resistenza
Friday, August 15, 2008
but yo! we can do this!
see you try to front, play games and try to play cool. You're a fraud! You say that I come too strong on a motherfucker, but hey, if you can't handle fear, then cease getting into scary situations and get yo weak ass out of my face. You say that I act like I am all that a bag of spicy nacho chips. Hey, check this out, if you are unable to handle the spice flavorunies, you too can put down the bag! Your bag of chips lacks flavor, but you have to hate on others. You claim to know bitches, but they never claim to know you, why is that? I can only guess, but I don't have fucking time to think about yo ass. In fact, it just pisses me off just even giving this a thought. But no worries, yo ass will pay for wasting my time writing this shit down, punk ass! Oh what else? oh yeah, what is up with you switching roles? This is ain't The Young and The Restless motherfucker! You ain't no star of da show. You just need to get yo motherfucking ass off the stage and quit holding those lines, because there ain't no motherfucking scene. But yo punk ass keep it up, there will be a scene of you and my foot up yo ass. And action! Cut! That was a great scene! And I won the Oscar for fucking you up, now what?
Oh, oh, yo girl is trying to fill yo head up with something to say. Yeah, let her make you think you can take me down. Get this homie, I will not only fuck you up, but get her in my room after I am done knocking you out. After I am done with her, she can go back to you and you two just going to have to get through yah heads: "I guess he ain't to be fucked with, what were we thinking?" See I like that scene. Oh, oh, you know everything about me now? Oh really, well since you know every motherfuckin' thing about me, did you know that I know how to fuck you up? Did you know that? Did you know that I can find a way to snatch yo ass up and knock you down? Oh you didn't know that! My bad!
Don't smile at me motherfucker, you need to brush them yellow curried ass teeth of yours in the first motherfucking place. You walk around like no one notices those bright hot lemon colored crowns of yours, youz a fool! And what is this bullshit? I have an attitude. No fuck-head Sully, its confidence. Oh you can't tell the difference between attitude and confidence. Hmm, I figured you wouldn't since you don't have any confidence in the first motherfucking place. I would explain the difference with yah, but you are waste of my time, bitach! Oh and other shit about me acting like I know everything. Sorry to interrupt your normal programming for this special news bulletin. This is not an act, I do know everything. Unlike, yo ass, I ain't go walking around not knowing shit, you stupid fuck!
So the next time, you wanna step to me with some bullshit, you best be in the know! I comes correct. Take that you fucking Sully!
La Legione di Resistenza
Sunday, June 15, 2008
An update on recent blog post
Dear Friends,
Here is an update from my recent post regarding Attila. I should have mentioned that if you are going to make a deposit into his account with Bank of America, when doing so, you must inform the teller that this account under:
Justin Hurst
Account number: 72600331
You must indicate that this account is from Idaho.
Plus, Attila understands that many of us are unable to deposit a lot of money, due to our current financial situation, gas prices, cost of living, etc. Attila is just asking to donate whatever you can, $5, $10 or even $20 dollars. Recently, I was in contact with many our friends who are willing to help him out. At the same time, there have been critics. I won’t go into detail, because this not about a debate, this about helping a friend. I am asking that we put aside all what we may think our friend ought to be doing, or what he should be doing, or investigate further into how he got into trouble in the first place or even about how he has more advantages over the rest of us. I say this, because, we all have benefited from his generosity, his friendship and his kind offerings; and yes even with his advantages.
Many are wondering about my position on this matter and why I am taking the time to post such bulletin. As many of you already know, I too have traveled to many places around the world and around America. I have been in many precarious situations and I have been stuck too. I ran into trouble by accident, situations occurred where I needed money. There have been times, when I called a friend or friends for help, and they helped out, some argued, because they were stuck working at their job and not being able to get out into the world. I listened and understood where they were coming from. Often times, it was suggested that I should have stayed at home, worked more, settle down, get married, plan things out carefully for the next time, etc. I agreed to their criticism not in order to get the money, I agreed because, in many ways, I am no different from other people. I too work full time Monday through Friday, sometimes even on the weekends; and yes even my jealously comes into play from time to time. Though, I try to carefully express my feelings when offering advice or even money for that matter. Plus, I know that the name of my blog "Enjoy Life, Work Less" doesn't help build a case to help our friend either. But, we know all too well that our friend, Attila is very careful type of person and just maybe, he overlooked the possibility of money running out. But friends, even with our criticism, we all know what it’s like when shit just happens. I apologize if I have expressed too much on the matter, but like you, I just happen to care for a good friend who is in need.
Thursday, June 05, 2008
Help! Join in helping our friend, our hero, Attila
Dear Friends,
Over the years, our friend, has shared his life of adventures, travels, books, music and knowledge of politics, society and true meaning of friendship. Like many of you, I have kept in contact with Attila and his whereabouts. Though, it seems to be a mystery on how or why Attila chose to live a life of traveling. There are many reasons why our friend lives to see the world. Last year, Attila kindly asked several of us to travel along with him to South America. That was probably the best journey in my life.
Though, I like many of you have already had traveled with Attila. Some may not be aware of this, but to travel with Attila is truly a cultural experience. Attila seeks to be involved in every region, country and the diverse types of people he meets. While traveling abroad, Attila keeps this journey alive by video-recording, writing and photography. In addition, Attila encourages those who travel with him to not only to open their minds to the possibilities, but to take part of this travel journal/documentary.
Though, I can go on forever about the great friendship, which many of us developed with our friend, but right now our friend needs our help. Attila just recently informed me of financial situation. Attila is running out of money and at the moment, he is working at a hostel, which covers his stay; this does not include food and transportation. Though, Attila is known to handle being in most situations and at times, he can find a solution to his dilemma. Plus, it would be easy to tell our friend to just simply come back home and wait for another window of opportunity. We know that our friend, Attila is in the opportunity! Right now, he just needs our help.
I am urgently asking and begging for your help to keep this journey alive. Whatever you can give will go directly to Attila himself. I am providing his bank account number, where you can easily make a donation for whatever amount, anything can help our friend in need:
Justin Hurst
Bank of America
Account number: 72600331
Friends, please show that you care and let’s return the favor to a great person who has shared so much. Whatever you can donate will be appreciated.
Thanks everyone.
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
Relaxing, Chilling at home in Tempe
At the end of the day, I can finally get some sleep on the most relaxing place in the world. My bed!
Monday, February 11, 2008
L'alleanza socialista per cambiamento politico radicale

Or a Socialist Alliance for radical political change:
I am going to say it straight, no curves no side-stepping, out in the open, straight up:
Radical change will not come from the following: skinny guys, EMO, vegans, markets like Whole Foods, Trader Joe’s, Tattoo parlors, Jessica Simpson, Britney Spears, Oprah, and those who are obsessed with organic food products and especially from the NPR community.
EMO and/or skinny guys: they are the same person. Either way, they are too depressed about life and they are more concerned about trying to fit into a size 27 pair of jeans than if poor children in their own neighborhoods are without proper clothing just to go to school.
Vegans: a group of people who are part of a unknown cuisine elite. Part of a gastronomic cult of people usually from the elite suburbs who are out of touch with reality.
Whole Foods and Trader Joe’s: these markets are part of the masquerade to make people believe that they are helping the world by purchasing over priced foods that advertise having an all natural appeal to eating. If the common customer is so concerned about the world, why don’t they ask the store manager to allow poor people to use their food stamps to get some healthy food. Oops, that would go against their upper middle class lifestyle. They can buy some almond butter from the poor but don’t want the poor shopping along with them.
Tattoo Parlors: these people who hang out or around these places would put a front pretending to be radicals, out-spoken, artistic, etc. These places are ubiquitous like Starbucks. These tattoo radicals would pretend that they come from working class background. Let the truth be known, they are living well up in the hills with their parent, they have several stock investments and owing a couple of properties in New Mexico.
Jessica Simpson: She voted for George Bush, shall I proceed?
Britney Spears: I don’t mind marijuana usage, but whatever she is on………………………………..I won’t proceed.
Oprah: she won’t ask the true tough questions to celebrities like Madonna, Tom Cruise, and many more. She tries to shed light on the falling educational system in our country, but she will not dare point the fingers in the direction of those who are fully responsible. Because those (the people who are responsible) are paying her very well.
Last but not least, NPR: the radio broadcast to keep people thinking that they are being well informed and for their weekly participation, listeners are provided a weekend show, known as the A Prairie Home Companion. This show does everything but relate to the problems in the inner city and call for revolutionary change. It’s a very weak way of saying “I just want to go shopping for my organic foods and maybe one day things will work out for the poor”
what were we before?

What were we before?
Have you thought about how we used to handle real life situations? You remember it was easy to make a friend or talk to a complete stranger? Or how we were able to find one another? What’s my address? Who am I or who are you? Or let’s go deeper, who are we? And what have we become?
I remember when I was about 12 years old. I would go with my friends to the Arcade. The Arcade, a place where it was full of loud noise of video games: Donkey Kong, Asteroids, Pac-Man, 1943, Frogger, and my all time favorite, TRON! Those were the days, when me and my friends would beg our parents for $5 dollars to get tokens to play video games for hours. But the Arcade was also a social scene: you had punks, video jockeys, players, girls, music, the latest fashion action gear (aka, Addidas,) un-necessary peer pressures and a clock in the middle of this arcade to remind you when it was time to go home. But one day, someone came up an idea to make a computer where you could play games at home instead of wasting money at the Arcade. The thought of having a personal computer almost knocked me over. My parents saw it as a good educational investment, considering that even back then, my parents kinda had an idea of the futuristic information age.

Even with this personal computer, I was able to play games, make up certain programs and even it was illegal back then, make copies of games and sell them to kids at my local junior high school. There were some who were able to go so far as hacking into certain systems, to change grades or make financial decisions for others or for themselves. This was way before today’s notion of hacking or terrorism. Of course, when I asked my parents about getting a modem, which was about 300 baud, imagine that now?!

The movie, War Games was just the beginning of society attack on the youth. The very thought that the youth could have the control of the destiny of mankind. Not only were my parents were concerned about the possibility of having the CIA or the FBI kicking in our suburban home, but even the other parents in our small neighborhood would have meetings about this 300 baud modem and the dangers from this device.
Since the thought of a young 13 year old boy with no chance of getting girlfriend, was sitting in his room planning to destroy mankind, my parents like most, decided to get me an Atari 2600. Wow! More games, more fun! Though the graphics were not as snazzy like my commodore 64, but still provided a change from using the computer. Even with the commodore 64 and Atari 2600, the Arcade was still the hang out.
You remember when that one neighbor, the rich classy type who had something way superior to the VHS. VHS? What could be better than VCR. Yes, of course it was the super VHS. I mean, VHS was way better than BETA! BETA was like having 8-track radio player in your car. The Audio cassette tape is the latest invention, get with the times! Ha! That classy neighbor movie was on laser disc! Wooooooo! Laser disc! Supposedly, the movies were crystal clear and you can pause the movies with ultimate clarity. But, only a few of us were privileged to witness such event, because that neighbor’s kids were a bunch of jerks and elitist.

It seemed around this time that the level of communication was lagging. You couldn’t keep a conversation going without hearing that beeper going off. In fact, don’t you remember when the one beeper went off, everyone started checking his or her pockets or jackets? Of course, later on, having a beeper meant also that you were selling drugs. For me a guy working for Swiss Bank and the Brotha hustling drugs were, well in my mind, the same guy, but living in two different sides of town. Sorry, just my opinion!

Now, what the hell do we have? Once upon a time, we would see a person walking and talking to himself. Automatically, we were told that person must be mentality ill or got a few screws loose. It was accepted knowledge to believe in such notion. What do we see walking around the streets or people in passing cars?

Just like the lack of Arcade hang outs, fast pace computers, wireless connections, cell phones, ear-piece or not, we are not the same people like we were just less than 10 years ago. We are not in the information age. We are in the individual age. We have individualized our section of the world. We place names and numbers within a small memory space in a cell phone. If you loose your cell phone, will you remember your best friend’s number? What is your sister’s address? When was the last time you wrote someone a letter? Not an e-mail! A letter! Postcards are now a zipp file!

As much as I can point out the lack of human interactions, I would be foolish to tell you that I am not guilty. Like many of you, I am a part of this new world and I make an effort to do things on my own without needing a gadget to help me find my way around or back the way I just came.
Let’s find one another, the natural way. Let’s meet at the same place. . . . .
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
Lonelsome Traveler, that is who I am!!
So it seems that the adventure team, La Legione di Resistenza has moved on. Attila is heading back down to Brazil, Nate is thinking of teaching in South Korea and I am still here in Arizona working and paying off bills. Many may wonder if the Garmisch Reunion was a sign of an end of a legend? I pray that it is not. . . . in any case, I will go back out into the world alone. Seeking new adventures, travels and seeing the world again but without my friends. Maybe we will meet again. Pray for La Resistenza!
Now, this was fun!!
Friday, January 11, 2008
American woman, Stay Away from me, Part II
Actress Sharon Stone is tempted to date other women becaise men "aren't masculine enough" anymore.
The Basic Instinct star insists she'd consider dating within her own sex, and believes dating a woman would make for a great relationship.
She says, "Everybody is bisexual to an extent. Now men act like women and it's difficult to have a relationship because I like men in that old-fashioned way. I like masculinity and, in truth, only women do that now."
"If you go on a date with a woman, they call and say, 'I'm going to pick you up at seven.' They take you somewhere great and you can dress like a chick."
-hmmmm, interesting maybe this book might help:

Wednesday, January 09, 2008
2008 candidati presidenziali, il nemico alla democrazia
- Civil Rights Act was more about property than race relations. (Dec 2007)
- Socialized medicine won't work; nor managed care. (Oct 2007)
- "I think we can safely assume that 95 percent of the black males in that city are semi-criminal or entirely criminal."
- referred to African-American rioters as "barbarians" and suggested that the riots only stopped when it came time for "blacks to pick up their welfare checks".
- Plus if you have to carefully observe the types of people he attracts in this election!
- Would be delighted to sign federal ban on all abortions. (Nov 2007)
- Marriage pre-dates our Constitution & shouldn't de redefined. (Mar 2007)
- had way too many plastic surgery and plus why trust a guy who looks like a Ken doll?
- No affirmative action for state contracts nor colleges. (Nov 2002)
- Opposes "hate crimes" legislation. (Sep 2007)
- Build more prisons, and privatize their management. (Nov 2002)
- Support displaying the Ten Commandments in public schools. (Nov 2002)
- Follow Boy Scout rule: leave earth better than we found it. (May 2007)
- Israel should not give up West Bank or Golan Heights. (Nov 2007)
- Pastors & politicians have same skill set in common. (Jun 2007)
- and want this guy as your president?
- Considered police brutality in Louima case an aberration. (Jan 2007)
- Giuliani backs police in Bronx killing. (Mar 2000)
- Stand against Chavez's & Castro's form of dictatorship. (Dec 2007)
- As mayor, asked Yasir Arafat to leave concert both attended. (Jan 2007)
- No socialized medicine; give vouchers to the poor. (Apr 2007)
- and He's a fucking asshole!
la nostra posizione politica