Dear HR ,
I received a generic e-mail from JP Morgan Chase Staffing, which stated that I was not selected for this position as a Fraud Call Center Representative. This generic e-mail did not; however clearly state as the reasons why I was not selected for this position, and I find it appalling to say the least, that I have made several attempts to contact you personally, either by phone and by e-mail; you failed to return a reply. Going into almost four weeks after the fact, the only response I receive is not from you personally, but a poor impersonal e-mail.
I understand that you are constantly bombarded with applications, interviews and other inquiries related to such position with JP Morgan Chase and I was hoping to become a team member of your company; but you could have taken your time to inform me of the company's reasons for not hiring me. In addition, I know that my background and work experience far exceeds the basic level of this position and might appear to be somewhat intimidating. I would have better off knowing that I was over qualified! I took the company's online assessment test, which tested my problem solving, work motivation and interpersonal skills and I was informed that I passed!
From what I learned about the position and after speaking with JP Morgan former employees as well as current, the job is basic and simple: answering high volume of calls and help customers accordingly. Is it possible that my resume was mistached or did not meet up to the company's standards for this position? Being detailed orientated is my top priority with any company as well as in my personal life. I highly doubt that anyone within your company took the time to make such assessment to this fact, which would have been as asset to your company. From our interview, I explained in great detail of my past work experiences, skills and gaps in between jobs and travels. I felt that was bit invasive, nevertheless, I gave my honest reasons and my whereabouts; I would understand if you were just merely curious.
In short, have communicated my displeasure with your company's decision as well as not receiving a personal reply to my job interest. I will not hold on to your company's URL to learn more about other careers pertaining to JP Morgan. I want to thank you for wasting my time and not providing me with a direct answer.
Sidney Huff